We’ll build on the brand’s strong heritage in communication – we’ll be close to our people. Our film will be cinematic. Short depth of field that automatically puts the main characters in focus and emphasizes why we need a mortgage and how easy it is to sign it when the information is crystal clear. Also with a narrow depth of field and using wider lenses and staying close to our characters, we can build an intense presence as if we’re inside the people’s personal sphere.
And the camera will reflect that. The camera is moving at a slightly different tempo than our characters, almost as if it wants to tell us something about the characters that we can’t quite make out on the screen.
This is not a sentimental film about the past, this is the future of banking. This is a film about transparency, liberation of the old and the ease of understanding – simply sign.
Shooting in black and white will also be a nod to your past since the audience will instantly know who’s behind this campaign. And Sabadell is very much the future – a trailblazer. I imagine a naturalistic look that is more about being in the present with full focus on our cast. We’ll have blacks and highlights that still have details. In everyday life, people, the way we perceive them, are just lit by the environments surrounding them so if we take the same approach to our film and create beautifully lit environments, the people will also be beautifully lit without it ever feeling artificial.